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Ohio Stone Summit: Dynamic Intentionality
Thursday, September 19, 2024, 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM EST
Category: Industry Events

Join NSI for a day of education and networking. Learn how to diversify your business, find and retain top talent, and understand OSHA safety regulations. Don’t miss this opportunity—this one-day workshop will only be available in your area once this year.

Learning Objectives:

  • Communication with Clients: Material selections and design details (seams, edges, finishes, and accessories) can all be visually communicated to ensure that expectations are understood by all parties.
  • Communication with Production: Review which information is most helpful in communicating with shop/production employees to ensure error-free fabrication.
  • Communication with Installers: Review which information is the most helpful to installation crews to ensure that all site details are met.
  • Create a plan to utilize shop drawings in an effective manner to ensure success.